Final exams are finally over, after I finished my last exam on Comparative Literature just a couple minutes ago. Many people have asked me what I feel about graduating, I never knew what to tell them. If someone asks me the same question now, I can only tell them that it is relieving to know that you are done. It's like after pulling a couple all nighters to finish an assignment, only difference is that I am concluding more than 15 years of my education, not including pre-school. More news about job hunt will be posted soon as it is finalized.
The first beta of Gaim 2.0.0 was released a couple days ago. My mailbox was flooded by mails from gaim's forum on sourceforge since I tell sourceforge to mail me whenever anyone post to the forum. 99% of the posts are about the absence of specific preferences. Some of them (idleness by gaim usage, showing of idle time on the buddy list, smooth scrolling, Ctrl-Enter to send, etc) will very likely come back according to the gaim developers. In fact some of them already have. Fortunately I don't use/care about any of the removed preferences, but it is good to see feedbacks from so many users at the same time.
Gaim 2.0.0 removed the concept of "Auto login" that has been present since as long as I remember. Instead of a checkbox for "Auto login", gaim will in the future (or now, if you use the beta) remember your status (online, away, invisible, offline, etc) when you quit gaim and restore them when gaim is restarted. This however presents two problems:
When I go away, and then quit gaim without setting myself to be available, gaim will restore my away message next time I start gaim. Most of the time the away message would be irrelevant by that time.
Someone mentioned on the forum that he may not always want to sign on to all the accounts. The ability to only sign on certain accounts without having them to sign on again next time gaim is started is nice to have.
I don't know if gaim will release a 2nd beta. Hopefully I will have time to finish multiple encoding option for ICQ before the final release, now that I am done with the finals.
Added another album 2006 where I plan to dump all the pictures I take in 2006 to. Want to see what my cube looks like? What about what we at Riverbed (well, some of us anyway) think about Web 2.0?
On the other hand, I am slowly uploading other stuff that I've written to here. It may take a while since I don't type Chinese very fast.