We at Riverbed had a fun week last week. Not just any fun week, but a mandatory one as well. Each day we had a different theme that we need to dress up to, and at the end of the week a panel of three judges announced the top four prize winners. This "contest" was only announced to the engineering department, but the my impression was that everyone can participate (probably not everyone could win though).
Monday was Mustache Monday. As you can see I grew not only a mustache, but also a bear:
No, that really wasn't something that I bought over the weekend. Really.
Tuesday was Tacky Tuesday. Since I always walk in front of the fashion line, I couldn't come up with anything to wear on that day. I worked from home in my super-fashionable T-shirt and shorts. Bare footed even.
Wednesday was Wacky Hat Wednesday. Unfortunately the only close up picture of mine was really blurry (blame the co-worker who took it), so I can only show you a group picture:
No, I didn't talk like a pirate.
Thursday was pure nothingness. Rumor was that the people who organized this event couldn't come up with anything creative that starts with a 'T'.
Friday was Formal Friday. Yes, almost everyone dressed up. At the end of the day Michael Michon, one of the organizers and judges, didn't give a presentation on "Optimizing Beer Consumption: Proper Pouring Techniques/When To Pump The Keg". But we didn't need anyone to teach us that.
No, I wasn't drunk.
Unfortunately I only won the fourth prize of $0 Thinkgeek certificates (so did everyone else who participated). The week ended with an Irish party (but most of us had no idea when we started) and... more drinking.
Post Mandatory Week of Fun, on Monday we had a mini party down in Mountain View to celebrate our upcoming release. The support people really rocked and put everything together. Phyllis, my favorite support person, tied a balloon in my cube:
I stood up, and whoa: