English /
Activities Elsewhere
> 3 Exams down, 1 more to go. So far I know I got an A- for Software Security and a B- for Combinatorics and Discrete Probabilities. For my Political Science class, hopefully I am going to get a B, but it will probably take a couple days before I find out since I just took the final this afternoon. My last exam is going to be for my complit class, and that's going to be on next Tuesday. > > I went to my second (or third, depends on how you count it) interview for [Riverbed](http://riverbed.com). The people there seem real nice. I am not getting any offers yet, but it certainly seems to be an interesting place to work. > > It's kind of sad. I sent out about 6-7 applications so far, and Riverbed is the only company that is offering me an interview. Okay, Riverbed is the smallest company out of all those I applied. Maybe I should try my luck on the smaller companies around here. > > On the travelling side, I am going to fly to Hong Kong on the 8th, and probably return around the 23rd the next month. Honestly I don't have my travel plan worked out yet, so there's not much for me to say here. Although I am pretty sure I will go to big cities like Shang Hai and Beijing, and a couple other cities that are frequent by tourists.