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Team Orange

Who are we ?

Team Orange is a bunch of Riverbed folk committed to camaraderie through humiliation.

The idea started with John and Viv, meeting in a coffee shop and coming up with a great idea, that would revolutionize the world.

Well we are kidding!!! It actually started with an agreement with the 2 that if Riverbed stock ever hit 50 they would dye their hair in Riverbed colors (i.e. orange)

What do I need to do to be part of Team Orange?

Its very simple really,

  • Be a Riverbed employee
  • Crazy enough to dye your hair orange
  • Have people stare at you ?
  • Sign up at the bottom of this page

What will determine if Team Orange will dye their hair orange?

The simple rules are:

  • RVBD should close trading on a given day at $50 after the option lockout period ends, the price merely hitting $50 is not adequate
  • If the stock splits or reverse splits then the price will be adjusted accordingly
  • There is a misconception that it must hit $50 within a month of the lockout period ending, or else the challenge will be void. However Viv, pointed out this is complete baloney!!!

Hair Coloring rules

  • The color MUST be bright orange
  • Men MUST color their entire head hair (no streaking or partials), regardless of the length of their hair
  • An exception is being for the women participants with long head hair. Hair is defined as long when it reaches the shoulders or beyond. Otherwise it is short. Women with long head hair are allowed to streak their hair orange (100-200 long strands on each side [total 2]) instead of a complete re-color. Women with short hair are subject to the same rule as men.
  • The period for which the hair must remain dyed is ONE month. If the hair color fades below a RVBD respectable level, a re-dye is REQUIRED.
by khc on Thu Nov 30 18:29:24 2006 Permlink

San Mateo 星島工展會

上星期六陪我爸去了在San Mateo的工展會,去到後才發覺其實不外如是。工展會,應該是工商業展覽會吧,但跟本沒展覽了甚麽東西,除了這個非賣品:







by khc on Tue Oct 24 21:25:06 2006 Permlink

Mandatory Week of Fun

We at Riverbed had a fun week last week. Not just any fun week, but a mandatory one as well. Each day we had a different theme that we need to dress up to, and at the end of the week a panel of three judges announced the top four prize winners. This "contest" was only announced to the engineering department, but the my impression was that everyone can participate (probably not everyone could win though).

Monday was Mustache Monday. As you can see I grew not only a mustache, but also a bear:


No, that really wasn't something that I bought over the weekend. Really.

Tuesday was Tacky Tuesday. Since I always walk in front of the fashion line, I couldn't come up with anything to wear on that day. I worked from home in my super-fashionable T-shirt and shorts. Bare footed even.

Wednesday was Wacky Hat Wednesday. Unfortunately the only close up picture of mine was really blurry (blame the co-worker who took it), so I can only show you a group picture:

group picture

No, I didn't talk like a pirate.

Thursday was pure nothingness. Rumor was that the people who organized this event couldn't come up with anything creative that starts with a 'T'.

Friday was Formal Friday. Yes, almost everyone dressed up. At the end of the day Michael Michon, one of the organizers and judges, didn't give a presentation on "Optimizing Beer Consumption: Proper Pouring Techniques/When To Pump The Keg". But we didn't need anyone to teach us that.

me dressed u[

No, I wasn't drunk.

Unfortunately I only won the fourth prize of $0 Thinkgeek certificates (so did everyone else who participated). The week ended with an Irish party (but most of us had no idea when we started) and... more drinking.

Post Mandatory Week of Fun, on Monday we had a mini party down in Mountain View to celebrate our upcoming release. The support people really rocked and put everything together. Phyllis, my favorite support person, tied a balloon in my cube:

balloon in my cube

I stood up, and whoa:

by khc on Wed Aug 30 23:05:35 2006 Permlink

Things I found in Mountain View

I've been working at the Mountain View office for more or less 3 months now. Unlike the San Francisco office, the MV office is kind of in the middle of no where. That said, nothing stops me from finding a weird thing or two there.

First of all, the elevator inspection permit expired a little over 10 months ago.

expired elevator permit

Not really a result of discovering that, I am now taking the stairs whenever I can.

I don't remember which day it started showing up, but someone abandoned a koala stuffed animal near the spot where I usually park my car. I took a picture of it last Friday for some reason, and sure enough, it's gone when I returned the next Monday.

koala stuffed animal

by khc on Wed Aug 30 22:38:54 2006 Permlink

Couple videos

The kid in the video is my Dad's ex-coworker's grandson. He's half-Mexican, quarter Italian and quarter Chinese.

In case you want to know, yes, the leg is mine.

I can never make out what he's trying to say though.

PS: Embedding Quicktime video on a web page is harder than it should be.

by khc on Mon Jun 26 23:34:16 2006 Permlink
Tags: weirdstuff
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